Having a workforce that is energized and engaged is an integral part of running a successful business. In fact, companies with a highly engaged workforce show 21 percent greater profitability than those with low engagement. Higher employee engagement can improve a business in various ways, but also helps with employee retention and recruiting. According to a recent study, highly engaged employees are 87 percent less likely to leave their company and are more likely to recommend their company to others.
All of which is important to the success of a business. However, employees will struggle to stay engaged if they are low on energy and not invested in the company. Common signs of low engagement and enthusiasm in employees include difficulty concentrating, lack of job satisfaction, irritability, pessimism, and dread. If those symptoms describe your workforce, here are five ways you can adjust and improve overall employee engagement:
Celebrate small victories
Recognizing when employees are achieving results is not a new concept, but patting employees on the back for small victories is an easy way to boost energy and engagement. Celebrating small wins shows your workforce that they play an integral role in helping the company reach its goals. Employees that feel they are doing important work and are valued are typically more engaged.
Socialize outside of the office
Planning time for employees to socialize outside of the office is a great way to help engagement. People are more engaged and excited to come to work when they enjoy the people they work alongside. Scheduling time outside of work for employees to spend time together allows them to build those relationships. These closer relationships between employees will positively affect collaboration, engagement, productivity, and so much more.
Implement company-wide service projects
Implementing company-wide service projects is another way to help employees build closer relationships. Volunteering is not only a great bonding experience, but also shows potential candidates that the organization cares about the surrounding community. There are also several health benefits that come from volunteering, such as stress relief. By building community initiatives and volunteering, the entire workforce will be more energized and engaged.
Encourage employees to take time off
One of the biggest problems plaguing employee energy and engagement is burnout. Sixty-One percent of employees state they are burnt out at their current job. An excellent way to combat this problem is to encourage employees to take time off. Time off doesn’t necessarily have to mean an extended vacation. It can simply be taking a day off to get some necessary tasks done around the house or for a needed mental health day. An occasional day off can help employees reduce stress and rest so they come back energized and ready to help the team. However, it may take some encouragement for employees to take time off. Leaders should be aware of this fact and take time off as well to effectively lead by example.
Listen to employees
For employees to be engaged and energized, they need to feel valued. Take time to ask for their feedback about what would help them feel more engaged and energized at work. Not only will you gain insight into what is best for the team, but employees will feel heard making them 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered and perform their best work. Something as small as sending out a survey can go a long way in making employees feel more valued and engaged.
Putting in the effort to ensure employees are energized and engaged is essential. If you implement these five strategies, employees will become more energized at work, and you can begin to reap the benefits of having an engaged and productive workforce.
To learn more about how to keep employee stress to a minimum check out our blog on how to help your employees de-stress and stay happy!