The hiring process can be long and difficult and after finally narrowing it down to the best candidate, managers are rooting for success. For small businesses, this is even more prevalent, especially with tight-knit teams where employee reviews can be a bit of a challenge. During these employee reviews, it is important to remain unbiased and fair, but still, come to the meeting with objectives. Employers are always looking for an effective and accurate way to track employee performance. Here are three useful employee performance metrics to track when putting together employee reviews.

Employee Training

Learning and development is an essential part of helping employees grow. As an employer, it is important to have a great L&D program in order to make sure the employees are being properly trained. Employee training, when done right, will not only help an employee grow in their career but also boost the businesses bottom line through increased productivity. In order to measure whether training was successful, it’s important that managers follow up with the employee to see if there is still an existing knowledge gap.


An efficient employee should be able to maximize their productivity without a tremendous amount of effort. There are a few different ways to measure an employee’s productivity. The first being whether or not they are completing their work on time and evaluating if the quality of their work is meeting company standards. An additional way to measure an employee’s productivity is speaking to their team and direct manager. An employee’s team members can give valuable insights into their day-to-day tasks and evaluate the employee’s overall performance. In order to streamline this process, consider implementing quarterly peer evaluations which can then be used to provide accurate feedback during the review process.


When you hire a new employee, it is important for both the manager and the employee to establish goals. As the employee is getting acclimated to their new job, writing down goals can help set parameters in order to determine the initial projects and responsibilities they will take on and where they want to be in the future.

From the manager’s perspective, this can help determine whether or not their goals align with yours as well as the company. By having the employee write down their monthly, quarterly, or yearly goals, it helps to properly assess where they may be struggling, or where they are exceeding their goals.

As a manager, going through an employee evaluation can be difficult since you’re often evaluating a peer, especially if it’s a small business. By applying these metrics when conducting employee reviews can help encourage productive and efficient meetings.

To learn more about learning and development, check out our blog about 3 Reasons Why Employee Training Should Go Beyond the Classroom!