When you think of a healthy work environment, what comes to mind? A healthy work atmosphere can mean many things, but ultimately it supports an employee’s ability to excel professionally and personally. To ensure your company has a healthy work environment, provide a place where teamwork is supported and all employees are treated fairly with respect. Here are four ways to guarantee your employees excel in the workplace
Is it safe?
Do your employees feel safe at your office? If someone stays late into the evening, will they feel comfortable being alone? The company should provide security for an employee, whether it’s having a security guard around, lock on the door, private parking lots or substantial light for the walk from the building to the car. If employees are tense or feel unsafe, their work productivity and state of mind will be adversely affected.
Create a fair staff policy
Your staff policies should always ensure fairness. If you discover that you do not have a policy in place and employees could be treated unfairly, establish a policy to address the concern and maintain a level playing field. Hold a meeting to address any concerns and explain why the policy is being put in place. Make it clear that harassment of any kind based on gender, race, sexuality or age will not be allowed.
Is there room to grow?
John Rooney once said, “The quickest way to become an old dog is to stop learning new tricks.” This familiar saying goes hand in hand with business. What is your company doing to guarantee there is room for both education and career advancement? If feasible, offer verbal and financial support and be sure to enroll your company in professional organizations. Promote networking opportunities and encourage employees to attend industry conferences. Having interaction and discussions with people outside the office will keep employee minds stimulated and could lead to them producing more creative and inspired work for your company.
Team building
Sometimes the best way to break barriers and allow workers to become comfortable with one another is to engage them through team building. Team building activities can be held during or after work hours and give everyone an opportunity to relax and be themselves. For example, if your company is sales-driven, divide employees into small teams and have a friendly competition to see who can generate the highest profit for the month. Participating in activities like these can build and nurture a supportive work community.
How does your company provide a healthy work environment? Leave your comments below to offer suggestions, experiences or additional tips.