In our latest media coverage, HR Director Jason Carney shares his insight on Staples Business Hub. He gives his thoughts on the value and importance of entry-level employees who have the potential to help grow a business with innovation while conserving your company’s salary outlay.
Click here to view the original article on Staples Business Hub or read WorkSmart’s portion below!
Are You Overlooking the True Value of Entry-Level Employees?
By Margot Carmichael Lester, Staples® Contributing Writer
You’re always looking for ways to reduce business spend and increase return on investment, from office supplies to office space. But even the most attentive owner or manager may not think about how to spend less and get more when it comes to hiring. Yet hiring smart at the lowest levels enables you to get great talent below budget and above expectations.
Positioned at the bottom of the business food chain, it’s easy to think of entry-level employees as low-value hires because they don’t have much expertise, they’re comparatively inexpensive and they’re likely to leave.
All that’s true. But savvy entrepreneurs and small business owners see those factors as opportunities, not challenges.
“Entry-level people are the foundation of every business,” proclaims John Challenger of Chicago-based global outplacement and career firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. “A robust entry-level hiring program is what smart companies have in place — it’s how you bubble up people who really are tied into the fabric of your business.”
Here are four reasons entry-level hires can grow your business with more potential for less spend.
2. A fresh approach. Young employees infuse your operation with new energy. “All organizations experience a life cycle that, like gravity, always finds a way to decline,” explains Jason Carney, human resource director for WorkSmart Systems, an Indiana-based professional employer organization. “This decline is often a direct result of entrenched, comfortable workers who no longer feel the need to innovate. For all of the perceived ‘negatives’ the younger generations bring, one thing they are not short on is ideas — especially those who have an education.” Hirofumi Leung, president of Dragonfly Restaurants in Orlando and Gainesville, FL, says new hires help overcome stagnation and perception bias. “As veteran and experienced business experts, we tend to become pigeonholed into looking for facts to support our beliefs versus the other way around,” he notes. “Therefore allowing entry-level or younger employees to give feedback not only challenges our old beliefs, but works miracles in sending a message to all staff that feedback and trust are part of our culture.”