Overcome potential HR challenges in 2012

Jason Carney’s tips on how to overcome HR-related challenges in 2012 are featured in the article below from BenefitsPro.com.   Challenges in HR: Three issues that can cause problems in 2012 By: Amanda McGrory-Dixon January 20, 2012 As employers are settling...

Preparing your company for weather-related absences

Check out this article from Inside Indiana Business featuring Jason Carney on HR strategies regarding winter-related absences. Winter weather advisory: Prepare for winter-related absences  By: Jason Carney January 12, 2012 It’s that dreaded time of year:...

How to resolve workplace conflict

BenefitsPro spoke with Jason Carney on how to resolve stress-related workplace conflicts. Read more from BenefitsPro: Resolving employee conflicts takes HR leadership With the stress that today’s work force is facing, employee conflicts are arising more often....