5 Reasons to Be a Company that Gives Back

The benefits of being a company that contributes to the betterment of society are plentiful and positively affect all facets of the business. In fact, there is rarely a downside to giving back. We’ve identified the top five benefits to being a business that...

3 Benefits of Outsourcing Your HR

Let’s face it – administrative human resources tasks, while important to any company, are often time consuming and can easily get overlooked when up against day-to-day business development. This is where a third-party HR provider, also known as a PEO, steps in so that...

How HR Can Help with the Upcoming Tax Season

As an HR professional, you are already a vital part of the company – but when it comes to tax season, you have the opportunity to provide employees with even more benefits than you may realize. After all, you are the in-office expert and a valuable resource when...

Pros and Cons of Business Process Automation

Business process automation (BPA), the strategy a business uses to automate processes in order to contain costs, has been a hot button topic in the last few years. As with any new innovation or way of doing things, BPA comes with concerns. What processes are...