As the Great Resignation continues, it has only further confirmed the need for continuous training and development initiatives. Employees are resigning because they desire change and growth. Companies are combating decreased retention rates by reskilling and boosting workplace development plans.
Continuing employee development and training is a wise investment not only for employees but also for your organization. This investment in your workforce can lead to increased growth. Additionally, it can positively impact team engagement and workplace loyalty while reinforcing appreciation from upskilling.
Let’s investigate this ongoing phenomenon of advancing training and development initiatives and the resulting benefits.
Contribution to Team Success Through Connection
It can be challenging to bring teams together in the new working environment of remote, in-person and hybrid employees. With fewer staff physically in the office, the connection of learning from your coworkers may be stifled.
Virtual learning initiatives allow for the opportunity to remain engaged with colleagues and identify a purpose for achieving tremendous success. This inner-team partnership builds upon engagement and fosters a learning culture that contributes to workplace success.
Cultivation of Loyalty
In an ideal world, loyalty is reciprocal. While it may not always be possible, it is worth devoting effort. Expecting dedication should never be the root of intention. Instead, encourage it in the best ways possible.
Offering educational opportunities gives employees the necessary tools to grow in their roles and have an edge in their career journey. Employees can advance in their roles, and the action demonstrates value toward them. When teams feel adequately valued, it creates loyalty. Once significant commitment is established, it could generate lower turnover. The advancement of your workforce is a win-win for all.
Growth in Company Satisfaction and Appreciation
Employee recognition has become a make-or-break determining factor in whether an employee wishes to resign or stay within their organization. Learning and development initiatives are one piece of the puzzle in retaining your people. However, it is a crucial one. Placing an investment in growing your employees’ knowledge is one that will always return its investment tenfold. Helping your employees grow will stimulate satisfaction and appreciation in the long run.
In ramping up development plans, consider implementing a budget for industry learning and personal development outside of work for interested employees to attend relevant conferences and read insightful books. Employees will be grateful for the leadership interest in expanding their knowledge horizons. Investing in your people has genuine, tangible benefits that deliver appreciation and loyalty to repeatedly, daily.