Tips, Tricks and Advice on BYOD Policies

On some level, every company needs a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. While many organizations currently have electronic communication policies, most are outdated and the majority address only company-owned equipment. For companies with highly regulated...

Four Things Great Managers Do Differently

We’ve all had a manager that stands out in our memory as being “the best boss.” While it’s relatively easy to pinpoint what it was exactly that made them so great in your mind, it may not be so easy to figure out what they did to become the best. The skills below may...

Fact or rumor? Answers to your ACA questions

As you may be aware, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) or (ACA) was signed into law in 2010 and will reach full implementation January 1, 2014. Because the regulatory guidance for this law is constantly changing there has been a lot of confusion...