Four Practices to Remember When Hiring New Employees
The hiring process can sometimes be difficult, lengthy and tedious for both the employer and applicants. And there’s a reason that the hiring process isn’t easy – it’s one of the most important steps a company takes. Hiring the right people into a workplace is vital for success, as employees are the heart and soul of all great companies. Not sure if your hiring process is fool proof? Remember these four hiring practices and be rest assured that your company will thrive.
1. Match the right people to the right jobs
Seems simple, right? Turns out, matching the right people to the right jobs can be a bit more difficult than it may seem. During the interview process, the candidate obviously believes the open position is the right job for them, but it’s up to the employer to find out if that’s actually the case. And sometimes even the employer gets it wrong.
JetBlue reevaluated their hiring criteria after a customer analysis revealed they had it all wrong. They originally based their hiring process off wanting to put the “nicest people in the sky” with their customers. Turns out, being helpful is what the customer wanted in a flight attendant, even if they weren’t over the top with kindness. JetBlue’s new “fit for the job” focus resulted in higher employee engagement and retention. Take a page out of their book and make sure you’re hiring the right people for the job.
2. Simulate to Stimulate
If you want to gauge a potential employee’s skill set and strengths, simulate what a normal day in the office would be like. Not only does this aid the employer in the hiring process, but it will also give the potential employee a feel for what to expect so there are no surprises if they are hired.
For instance, have a potential sales employee participate in a sales role play. According to this Forbes article, the purpose is not to evaluate the content, but what they bring with them from one job to the next.
3. Put them to the Test
Despite simulations and assessments proving their effectiveness, the majority of businesses do not utilize them. Instead, many organizations are jumping on the bandwagon and beginning to test not only potential employees’ professional abilities, but their personal ones as well. These assessments can be used to match the potential employee’s mindset and motivations to companies and jobs.
It is important to keep in mind that there is not one universal assessment for employment. Each company should take the time to sit down and decide what they would like to see in future employees and move forward with a hiring strategy from there.
4. Balance Fact and Instinct
You have undoubtedly been told to go with your gut. When it comes to hiring new employees, that shouldn’t necessarily be the primary determining factor. According to Business Insider, a good manager has a solid balance of fact and instinct during the hiring process.
For jobs that are more on the analytical side, the hard facts should be the main focus of hiring. In the case that two applicants are very similar on paper, gut impulse tends to tip the scale in the direction of one applicant over the other. This assesses a candidate’s future with the company, to see if they’re a good fit in the company culture.
When the hiring process becomes tedious, remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Selecting and hiring employees is one of any company’s most important strategic plans. It’s always important not to just work smart, but hire smart as well.
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