We’ve all had a manager that stands out in our memory as being “the best boss.” While it’s relatively easy to pinpoint what it was exactly that made them so great in your mind, it may not be so easy to figure out what they did to become the best. The skills below may seem minor at a glance, but they really can impact the wellbeing of employees and the business’ bottom line, meanwhile creating that “best boss” in you.
1) Take Time in the Morning
As the leader of the team, an outstanding boss will start his or her day early to get a head-start before others arrive at the office. If you think about it, a regular work day can be pretty hectic for a boss. There will be meetings, phone calls, a constant influx of emails, and employees with questions, all on top of the projects at hand. Early morning managers make time to get organized, do research and prep for the day to make sure they are at the top of their game before the workday even starts for everyone else. You may even find that a quick run or some yoga in the morning will help you get ready to roll before you interact with the team.
2) Attract the Best Talent
Strong managers are able to discern personality types and match employees with others who will work well together on a team. Unlike leaders who haphazardly put a team together, strong managers will consider the strengths and weaknesses of each employee and craft a well-balanced team based on personality, skill and experience. When building a team, a strong leader will allow team members to shine rather than trying to suppress their abilities and contributions.
3) Challenge the Routine
Excellent leaders make a habit of examining and evaluating what was done in the past month or quarter and look to continually improve. Unlike managers that settle for “good,” great managers seek to find ways to improve the current model to help the team continually grow. Great leaders aren’t satisfied with the status quo. They strive to take business to the next level.
4) Encourage the Team
Unlike managers that place fear in the people who work for them, great bosses foster a strong work environment in which employees can thrive. A survey by Harris Interactive found that two-thirds of people felt their boss had some impact on their career. You want your influence to be positive. Strong managers make it a priority to create a place where employees want to share ideas and are encouraged to improve themselves.
Overall, the best bosses inspire their employees to improve both professionally and personally. Great managers nurture loyalty, want their employees to feel valued at work, and value the happiness and cohesiveness of the team. Work isn’t always going to be perfect, though, so be prepared to offer support and evaluate your options to make situations less stressful and more successful for your team. That’s what the “best boss” does.
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