The desire for a traditional nine to five job is dying and companies are beginning to feel the effects. For decades, the 40-hour workweek has remained unchanged. Yet with the introduction of technology, employees have access to their work whenever and wherever. This has caused an unprecedented rise in employees wanting to work from home.
While nine to fives are still preferred among most companies, many are searching for ways to allow their employees more flexibility throughout the workday. Below are a few reasons why the 8-hour workday is failing and what companies can do to fix it:
Productivity isn’t guaranteed
Companies are hesitant to stray from a nine to five schedule. But, research shows that not all employees are productive throughout the day. During an eight-hour workday, it is rare all employees are productive for the entire duration. On average, in an eight-hour workday, a worker is only productive for two hours and 59 minutes. Generally, employees spend time checking their social media or reading news websites.
One of the main benefits employees gain by working remotely is the ability to work whenever. Fifty-nine percent of American workers revealed they feel more productive when working from a remote location. Allowing employees to work from home is appealing since individuals work in different ways. Some are night owls who get a burst of energy when the sun goes down. Others are early birds who enjoy working as soon as the sun rises.
Regardless, companies that allow their employees to work remotely can see an increase in their employees’ productivity and engagement.
Encourage work-life balance
Millennials have grown up in the technological age and have become accustomed to it. As the millennial generation continues to take over the workforce, many have begun to expect flexibility from their employers. Flexible work hours and telecommuting are seen as a required luxury. Millennials are also starting to become parents and see the value of working at a company that’s flexible.
One way to achieve a healthy work-life balance is to create a flexible work arrangement. A flexible work arrangement is an arrangement that allows employees to have a more variable schedule as opposed to complying with the standard 8-hour workday (10 hours on Monday, 5 hours on Tuesday, etc.).
While technology has been a great asset to the workforce, it has also been disruptive. Constant accessibility, especially with younger generations has become a struggle. However, finding creative ways to offer flexibility and benefits to employees will help keep them productive and on the job long-term.
To learn more about how to improve low employee engagement, check out our blog on 5 Ways to Re-Energize Your Workforce and Improve Employee Engagement!