Internships are an invaluable tool for organizations looking to attract and assess top entry-level talent. By hiring interns, companies have the opportunity to gauge their performance, work ethic and cultural fit. And when interns excel during their internship, it presents an ideal chance for companies to extend a full-time job offer upon graduation. Converting interns into entry-level employees is a great strategy to infuse organizations with young, talented individuals who are already familiar with the company’s dynamics and daily operations, eliminating the need for costly ramp-up periods or extended onboarding.


Benefits of turning interns into entry-level employees

There are many advantages of hiring interns, including the ability to comprehensively evaluate their potential as full-time employees. Other and related benefits include:

  • Assessing a possible employee’s work ethic in real time
  • Saving time and money from recruiting down the line
  • Allowing staffers to delegate rote responsibilities

To successfully convert interns into entry-level employees, it is essential to implement the following best practices.


Provide training opportunities

Providing interns with comprehensive training and the chance to develop new skills equips them with valuable expertise that they can offer any employer upon graduation. Investing time and resources in their training demonstrates your commitment to their growth and ensures they are well-prepared for future roles (including future roles within your organization). By offering a structured training program, you not only enhance the intern’s experience but also increase the chances of them becoming a successful, entry-level employee.


Involve interns in real projects

Leave the busy work at the door and assign interns to consequential projects. Doing so will hold them accountable for their work, an important stress test — especially when you’re evaluating an intern as a potential job candidate.  Inclusion in company training sessions, meetings, conferences and events relevant to their role allows interns to gain insights into enterprise operations and contribute meaningfully to corporate goals. Interns who job-shadow senior-level employees also gain a deeper understanding of the organization’s complexities, facilitating professional growth.


Build meaningful mentorship programs

Formalized mentorship programs are highly effective at engaging interns and providing them with guidance on relevant career opportunities. Assigning a mentor to each intern ensures personalized support and encourages connectivity with the company, even once the internship ends. Mentorships might include deep dives into the intern’s career path of choice or discussions about where their desired role could take them in the future. Demonstrating a degree of upward mobility is incredibly important, as it enables an intern to picture themselves with an organization long-term.

Allocating a budget for mentoring events and activities further strengthens the mentor-mentee relationship, enhancing interns’ growth and prospects as future entry-level employees. The mentorship experience provides interns with valuable insights and allows them to develop important professional connections.


Provide networking opportunities

Interns should be provided with networking opportunities to expand their professional connections and industry knowledge. When companies facilitate networking opportunities, they demonstrate a commitment to furthering their intern’s career progress. This is vital for establishing trust and increasing the likelihood of accepting a potential job offer.


Companies can facilitate intern attendance at networking events, conferences and meetings, introducing them to clients, vendors and other professionals. Engaging in conversations with industry experts also enables interns to gain valuable insights and establish contacts that can contribute to their career development. Networking events offer a platform for interns to build relationships that can prove beneficial both during their internship and beyond.


Maintain communication

Staying connected with interns throughout the school year is vital for nurturing relationships and influencing their acceptance of a job offer. Incorporating ongoing communication into your entry-level recruiting strategy helps sustain engagement. Virtual and in-person methods can be employed to maintain regular contact. Additionally, involving former interns in recruiting activities on campus serves as an effective way to stay connected and foster brand enthusiasm. Interns who maintain consistent contact with their previous employers are more likely to reach out and inquire about future job opportunities.

Organizations that invest in turning their interns into effective entry-level employees will gain numerous benefits, including reduced recruiting costs and access to proven talent. Employing the best practices discussed in this article, such as comprehensive evaluations, robust training, mentorship programs and networking opportunities, will help organizations successfully transform interns into top-level talent. With a strategic approach to intern conversion, your company can build a pipeline of bright young professionals ready to contribute to its continued success.